Sunday, April 26, 2009

Of Words and Gestures...

Sometimes all you need is a kind,considerate word.
Sometimes even that is not enough.
Sometimes they say the thought is all that matters,and yet is isn't is it???
You wanted a thought, you got a word.
You needed a word, you got a gesture...
A gesture...
A signal to the hope that is possible.
A hope long lost
Of goodness,of Humanity.
You lay there at the street corner,
Bleeding,faithless and helpless.
You gave up and lost hope
Thinking it was over and
You were done for.
Death seemed a looming possibility,
Not so far away.
You closed your eyes letting it sink in.
Said a little prayer,
A prayer without hope.
A prayer to a God who had stopped answering long back
A God who had just become an idol on your rack.
And yet you closed your eyes
In silent prayer to a dubious God.
And suddenly you feel a hand on you your shoulder as u lay,
And there she stood looking down at you,
A worried frown,
Some flying tendrils of hair out of her hood.
She took out her tiny white handkerchief,
(Whoever uses those these days???!!!)
And wiped your bloody brow.
You lay there in disbelief
Yet helpless like a baby, you let her help you!
Her rosary beads...
She looked down at you with worried eyes,
And your pain is numb...
Your agony passes
As a tiny smile escapes you.
You smile at the irony
Your lack of faith,
Your irreverence...
And here she was helping you
A Child of God
Who had pledged her life to Him...
And still you lay there,
Disbelieving Ingrate!
You let the smile stay,
She calls out to you...
You close your eyes.
A silent apology,
A return of faith,
A thankful prayer...
And then you peacefully embrace Him...
.... Your Father!


  1. Wow.. I loved it! Are you always gonna write such complicated stuff? I need to read it again! If your poems make it to school textbooks, the children are not gonna be very happy thanks to the difficulty in understanding.

    But great start.. and I promise I'll read all your posts soon and comment truthfully!

  2. wow spiritual. not to mention... articulate. would like to know the story behind this one.

  3. @Pushkar: Thanks for the appreciation!Please tell me what's so complicated about that?
    I don't think my poems will ever get to schoolbooks so don't worry about that!
    @Yashika: Thank u thank u! No story...I was writing bleak... I realised I needed to pick myself up and speak of actually changed my mood this one!It IS all about what you want to believe in...Thanks a lot!
