Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ardor: An Unexplored Existence..

Dark crevices,
Flesh on flesh
Lust dark and pure
Eyes longing.
His hands on her
Exploring the terrain
Like an intrepid explorer.
Her curves melting, undulating twists and turns...
Limbs entwined.
In the dark corners of her wanton mind,
His lustful eyes
The wallflower in her
Blooming like a wild rose in the desert.
He experienced, virile and grey
She untouched, pristine and lithe like a fawn.
She curious like a newborn child,
He like an indulgent patron satisfying her every whim.
Indulge me, devour me, hypnotise me
She said, screaming into the night.
Time stood still in that timeless place.
The heights of ecstasy, unknown to her
A surprise to him, an unexpected joy
Piqued his dormant curiosity
Just when he thought he could feel nothing new,
See nothing unspoiled, fresh.
And yet ... there he was in alien territory
Discovered yet unexplored.
Her screams sending a chill down his spine as he found himself
Spiraling down into an inviting abyss
Where inexplicable joy and tearing pain
Elation and scathing fear
Embraced like old parted friends.
She molded into him, an unknown release to her caged wanton spirit.
And in the dark recesses of his mind,
Somewhere he was bound and chained forever!